ROM - July 2017
Cape Cod 4th
Most of these posts are about "epic trips".  This one is different ...

We summer on the Cape.  July 4th -- thousands of you hang on the Esplanade.  I'm on the Cape.

Given the Tuesday holiday, this year, I spent six days banging around the Cape.  Explicitly looking for two things: roads I had never been on, and photo ops.  July is the BEST photo month on the Cape -- everything is green, flowers are all in bloom.

I've probably said this before, but I'll say it again -- "bike speed" of 15 MPH -- THE BEST way to see a landscape.  Fast enough that you are never bored.  Slow enough that you can see everything, and stop wherever you want to see more.

We've had a divisive last several months in America.  An unpopular President, "resistance" -- you know the drill.  My celebration this year -- seeing American flags, bunting, flag T-shirts  - EVERYWHERE.  No judgment, no politics, just WE ARE AMERICANS! -- this is our day!

I found myself singing every day:  "God Bless America", "My Country 'tis of Thee", "America the Beautiful" -- it goes on and on.  The fireworks over Lewis Bay on the 4th were awesome.  God Bless America!

For those you partial to Cape riding -- good news -- we are extending the Cape Cod Rail Trail six miles back into Yarmouth.  That will make 28 bike only miles from Yarmouth to Wellfleet -- go bikes!

Previous Rides of the Month
#4 ready for the 4th!
Flags on rte 6 Overpass
Hydrangeas and Flags
Kennedy Compound, Hyannisport
New Trailhead
Roses, Lilies and Flags
SS Independence, Cape Cod Canal